[Registrars] [Ticket#2012121950004297] Comunicazione su fatturazione/Information on invoicing
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 19 Dic '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 19 Dic '12
19 Dic '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012121350003978] Proroga termini di scadenza contratto Registrar/Registrar contract 2011/2012 extended to April 30, 2 [...]
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 13 Dic '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 13 Dic '12
13 Dic '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012121350001676] Comunicazione su fatturazione/Billing news
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 13 Dic '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 13 Dic '12
13 Dic '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012112950003468] Proroga contratto Registrar al 30 aprile 2013/Registrar contract postponed till April 30, 2013
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 29 Nov '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 29 Nov '12
29 Nov '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012112350006351] Meeting annuale del Registro .it/Yearly .it Registry Meeting
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 23 Nov '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 23 Nov '12
23 Nov '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012112250003328] Aggiornamento portale statistiche del Registro/Update of the statistics portal of the Registry
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 22 Nov '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 22 Nov '12
22 Nov '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012110750002732] Meeting annuale del Registro .it /.it Registry yearly Meeting
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 07 Nov '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 07 Nov '12
07 Nov '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012102650002396] Intervento di manutenzione straordinaria/Extraordinary maintenance intervention
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 26 Ott '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 26 Ott '12
26 Ott '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012101050003012] Internet Festival e i 25 anni del Registro .it/The IF and the 25 years of the .it Registry
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 10 Ott '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 10 Ott '12
10 Ott '12
[Registrars] [Ticket#2012100950004425] Malfunzionamento servizi Registro.it / .it Registry services malfunctioning
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 09 Ott '12
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 09 Ott '12
09 Ott '12