[Registrars] [Ticket#2013100750001626] Internet Festival 2013
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 07 Ott '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 07 Ott '13
07 Ott '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013100350000947] Meeting annuale del Registro .it/Yearly .it Registry Meeting
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 03 Ott '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 03 Ott '13
03 Ott '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013092650000817] piano di marketing strategico/strategic marketing campaign
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 26 Set '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 26 Set '13
26 Set '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013090250000835] Apertura iscrizioni corso Posta Elettronica / Electronic Mail course registrations opening
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 02 Set '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 02 Set '13
02 Set '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013080250000793] .itCup
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 02 Ago '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 02 Ago '13
02 Ago '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013071750001168] Cessazione servizio Whois autenticato / Cessation of the Whois authenticated service
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 17 Lug '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 17 Lug '13
17 Lug '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013071750000811] Drop time delle ore 9:00 del 17 luglio 2013 / 9 o'clock drop time of July 17th, 2013
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 17 Lug '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 17 Lug '13
17 Lug '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013071050000761] Apertura iscrizioni corso Posta Elettronica / Electronic Mail course registrations opening
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 10 Lug '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 10 Lug '13
10 Lug '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013062050002064] Nuove Linee Guida Tecniche e Legali / New Legal and Technical Guidelines
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 20 Giu '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 20 Giu '13
20 Giu '13
[Registrars] [Ticket#2013061450000612] Chiusura 17 giugno 2013/17th June 2013: Registry offices closed
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 14 Giu '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 14 Giu '13
14 Giu '13