[Registrars] [Ticket#2016122350001855] Ricerca del Registrar per posizione geografica / Search of the Registrars by geographic location
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 23 Dic '16
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 23 Dic '16
23 Dic '16

[Registrars] [Ticket#2016120950001248] Meeting annuale del Registro .it - diretta streaming / Yearly .it Registry Meeting - live streaming
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 09 Dic '16
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 09 Dic '16
09 Dic '16

[Registrars] [Ticket#2016120750001895] Attivazione DNSSEC sulla piattaforma di test/ DNSSEC activation on the test platform
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 07 Dic '16
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 07 Dic '16
07 Dic '16

[Registrars] [Ticket#2016120650003153] REMINDER: Meeting annuale Registro .it / Yearly .it Registry Meeting
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 06 Dic '16
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 06 Dic '16
06 Dic '16