[Registrars] [Ticket#2013042950001847] Nuovo contratto Registro - Registrar / Registrar contract May 1, 2013/ April 30, 2016
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 29 Apr '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 29 Apr '13
29 Apr '13

[Registrars] [Ticket#2013042350001974] Apertura iscrizioni corso Drupal / Drupal course registrations opening
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 23 Apr '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 23 Apr '13
23 Apr '13

[Registrars] [Ticket#2013040950001081] Intervento di Manutenzione Straordinaria 11/04/2013 - Extraordinary Maintenance Intervention 11/04/2 [...]
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 09 Apr '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 09 Apr '13
09 Apr '13

[Registrars] [Ticket#2013040350002733] REMINDER: Corso E-commerce, trattamento dei dati e cloud computing / E-commerce, laws on data protec [...]
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 03 Apr '13
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 03 Apr '13
03 Apr '13