[Registrars] [Ticket#2010042910007743] Linee telefoniche helpdesk Maintainer e Registrar / Switchboard for the helpdesk reserved to Maintai [...]

A tutti i Maintainer e Registrar, vi informiamo che e' stato risolto il problema di accesso alle linee telefoniche dell'helpdesk riservato a Maintainer e Registrar. Cordiali saluti Lo staff del Registro .it ============================================================== To all Maintainers/ Registrars, We inform you that the problem to access the switchboard for the helpdesk reserved to the Maintainers and Registrars has been solved. the problem to access the switchboard for the helpdesk reserved to the Maintainers and Registrars. Best regards, The .it Registry staff -- .it Registry - Hostmaster of the Day ---------- ------------- .it Registry E-mail: hostmaster@nic.it IIT - Istituto del CNR Phone: +39 050 3139811 Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1 Fax: +39 050 542420 56124 Pisa - Italy
partecipanti (1)
Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry