Hello, An email was sent to all registrars, on April 7 2022, with all the instructions for completing the contract. thi is the mail: ============ ENGLISH VERSION ============ To all Registrars, please note that from now on you can complete the 2022–2025 Registrar Contract. The 2022-2025 Registrar Contract is set up as Standard Contract, in accordance with Article 1341 of the Civil Code, which is concluded by exchange of mail, with separate act of proposal and acceptance. The proposal to contract is available on the Registro. it web site https://www.nic.it/sites/default/files/documenti/2022/Proposta_di_contratto_.... The proposal is set up in the legal form of the public offer, in accordance with Article 1336 of the Civil Code. The proposal assumes a formal and substantial relevance as it is digitally signed by the Director of IIT - Registro .it and registered with the unique protocol number n. 0002077 del 04/04/2022. Please download the proposal and have sight. If your intention is to finalise the upon mentioned contract you need to send the acceptance, which is considered a duplicate copy as an authentic reproduction of the proposal itself. The rights and obligations of both parties arise from the willingness to enter into contract, that corresponds to the completion of the exchange of the two unilateral acts. The steps to follow to finalise the Registrar Contract are: 1. download, examine and store the proposed contract which is digitally signed by the Director of Registro.it https://www.nic.it/sites/default/files/documenti/2022/Proposta_di_contratto_...; 2. access the online prefilled form https://www.nic.it/reg-pm/accettazione2022/ for the acceptance of the proposal; 3. Registrars already accredited have to access with its own credentials, whilst new users have to access as a new Registrar; 4. fill in and verify the accuracy of data in the acceptance of the generated proposal; 5. download the pdf version of the acceptance of the proposal without altering its contents; 6. undersign the proposal with figurative PADES electronic signatures (Italian and foreign Registrars who possess a qualified electronic signature) by the legal representative of the Registrar Organization, or undersign it with holographic signatures (Italian and foreign Registrars who do not possess a qualified electronic signature); 7. signatures for subscription: there are 3 mandatory signatures for subscribing the 2022-2025 Registrar contract, namely, the acceptance of the contract proposal subscription and the Annex B subscription. For Annex A, on the other hand, it is up to the Registrar to decide whether to subscribe it; failure to sign does not affect the subscription of the contract. There are 3 mandatory signatures: - 2 mandatory signatures after Art. 44: 1 signature for acceptance of the contract proposal and 1 signature for subscribing the vexatious clauses; - 1 signature for subscribing Annex B - rules of good conduct. The optional signatures are 2 and concern Annex A (after paragraph 11): - 1 signature for subscribing the annex; - 1 signature for subscribing the vexatious clauses. 8. the acceptance of the digitally signed proposal must be sent via PEC (Italian Registrars) to registro@pec.nic.it or via email to hostmaster@nic.it. Please note that the acceptance sent via PEC, as well as via email, cannot contain scanned signatures. The acceptance of the proposal with holographic signature and stamp must be sent by post to the address: Registro .it Istituto di Informatica e Telematica - CNR Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1 56124 PISA 9. Send acceptance of the proposal no later than 30 June 2022. As of 1 July 2022, Registrars who have not submitted their acceptance of the signed proposal will be suspend. Kind regards, The Registro .it staff best regards, Federico Giannetti ---------- ------------- .it Registry E-mail: hostmaster@nic.it IIT - Istituto del CNR Phone: +39 050 9719811 Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1 Fax: +39 050 542420 56124 Pisa - Italy 03/05/2022 23:20 - Lauren Tussey ha scritto:
In regards to the Contratto Registrar 2022-2025
Can you please provide an English copy for us for *review*? I've sent a few emails with no response.
Thank you for your prompt assistance.
Lauren Tussey *VP of Global Operations* 1.877.983.6624 <1-877-983-6624> / direct: 1.760.444.8674 x 1003 <1-760-444-8674> ltussey@101domain.com *101domain.com* https://www.101domain.com/?utm_source=comp-sig&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e-team / Twitter https://twitter.com/101domain / Facebook https://www.facebook.com/101domain/ / Instagram https://www.instagram.com/101domaincom/ / LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/101domaincom/ *Worldwide Domain Coverage* https://www.101domain.com/?utm_source=comp-sig&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e-team / *Domain Specials* https://www.101domain.com/domain_specials.htm?utm_source=comp-sig&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e-team / *Domain Transfers* https://www.101domain.com/domain_transfer.htm?utm_source=comp-sig&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e-team / *SSL Certificates* https://www.101domain.com/ssl_certificates.htm?utm_source=comp-sig&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e-team / * Google Workspace * https://www.101domain.com/google_workspace.htm?utm_source=comp-sig&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e-team / *Hosting* https://www.101domain.com/web_hosting.htm?utm_source=comp-sig&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e-team The contents of this message may be privileged and confidential. Therefore, if this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author. Any legal information provided in this email is intended as information only, not legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact a lawyer. Any legal information contained in this email was not intended to be used, and cannot be used, as legal advice.